
Ebay ????? About 8***7 or 4***2?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i just need to know who these people are with these type of screen names. They are always bidding on what i want and it makes me wander if they are just bidding against people to make the auction sale for more money because they bid on same things. Does anyone know the truth




  1. Those are actually not even screen names...  Well at least not real ones.    It's eBay's way of making everyone's REAL screen names private.  I think it's kinda stupid.  I was confused too until i read it somewhere.

    Hope it helps!

  2. Ebay is the one "hiding" the user names once an item gets above a certain dollar amount.  It's not the bidder's choice... they are seeing your name with the same kind of characters when THEY look at the bid history.

    The reason is to prevent certain "2nd chance scams"...  Dirtbags were going in, seeing high value items, getting the bidder's ebay names and faking emails to them saying things like they had the same item for sale, I've got another one etc...  By not making the bidder's names public, it prevents scammers from doing this as easily.

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