
Ebay Dispute??? WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????

by  |  earlier

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I recently sold an item on ebay. It was a DVD that was just released and I pre-ordered it. When the buyer bought the item I emailed him telling him that I haven't received it, but when I did I would up his shipment so it wouldn't take so long. The next day he sent me an email telling me he wanted a refund, even though by that day I received the item. I told him this and he still wanted a refund.

When he bought this item I was charged almost $2.00 for seller fees. The item he bought was $13.00 and I refunded $12.00 because I didn't think I should be charged seller fees for something that he committed to buy, but backed out.

Now, he has put up a dispute against me for ONE DOLLAR!!!

Should I refund his dollar, which I don't think is right because when he pressed the buy button, he committed to buy the item, or should I just stand my ground.

On my paypal account my account is frozen to $-12.00. Does this mean he's trying to get 12 more dollars out of me?

I could really use the help. 10 pts for the person who helps me the most.




  1. You should refund the $1.00 .

    He pressed the buy button and committed to buying the item, yes . . . but at that point you sold him an item you did not have.  Since you could not fulfill contract, you must refund the money.

    You should not have advertised an item you did not yet have and he had the right to cancel and ask for a refund based on that.  If you had advertised that you would get it at a later date, then he would not be due a refund.

  2. Well this is a sticky one, on one hand you can get it all done and over with by refunding the dork $1.00 and on the other hand you shouldn't have to because he commited to buying it. The catch is, whether or not you have it now does not matter, you tried to sell something on ebay without possessing it first. On that note I would say it would be much simpler to swallow your pride and refund the dollar. As far as the frozen account goes... your guess is as good as mine.

  3. Pay the buck and consider it the cost of an education as to what NOT to do.

    Find another venue to sell stuff!

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