
Ebay decided to RAISE their fees...Is eBay a waste of time now?

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I guess they don't care that other competitors are rising and will do better than them soon-- if they dont do something about their fees and other annoying issues popping up. As a result they may loose customers...?




  1. Insertion fees for auctions aren't changing and they're throwing in free gallery permanently.  The final value fees are generally increasing a little, but not that much (with media and technology items remaining the same as they are now). So probably it really won't make so much difference to many of the 'smaller' users, selling off their own bits and pieces.

    There are bigger differences on 'buy it now' listings and huge changes for eBay shop subscribers, but taken overall (and given that these changes will mostly apply to business sellers), some will actually benefit.

    There have been an awful lot of changes recently which are far more likely to drive sellers away than the new pricing structure.

  2. They've basically made the gallery fee mandatory by making it free and then upping the insertion fee.  Combine that with increased final fee and you have basically rooted out small-time sellers.  Personally speaking this has destroyed my part-time business along with those of many others like myself.  But the fee hike will also effect buyers, because those people who have a good enough foothold with their business will gain a monopoly and sale prices will rise.  This of course means the Ebay profits more from final fee taxation, as well as the mandatory Pay pal holding fees.  In a years time Ebay will be a shopping centre - not the car boot that made it what it is today (or rather yesterday).  Perhaps a new "Ebay" will rise to fill the gap, but the very fact that I've used quotations means that it will be very difficult to take the role away.

  3. You used to be able to get a bargain on Ebay but now it is very commercial to many business's using it.Also i find that people want to much for there items.I don't use it as much as i used to.

  4. as far as i know ebay is still the most popular and trusted auction site.

    i cant see them losing customers to anyone else, even if they raise their fees. until somethign serious really happens

  5. Ebay.... they are really ridiculous now. They are way too high. Get a better bargain shopping at dollar store or Walmart.  

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