
Ebay help please someone

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Help please.....I have sold a wedding suit on Ebay for £23 including p p .I paid £250 for the suit and it was in very good condition .However i have recived an email from the byer saying that she thinks that there is a slight grease mark on the blouse .I had this suit cleaned before selling it ...She also complains that i chrged to much for postage£9.99 .The suit consisted of three items ,so i charged what i thought it would cost .Well when i posted it it only cost £3.80 .She now says that i have ripped her off .What do people expect for £23 .Any advice as to what i should email her back saying?




  1. Since Ebays' rules have changed lately, she cannot leave negative remarks for you. I would just explain, that the suit was professionally cleaned and the shipping charges were justified.

  2. Just say you had it specially posted which cost you £13.25 or something and you felt that you couldn't charge over £10 for it so you made P&P £9.99 or whatever it is. Then just say that the retail price is £250.

  3. the person is making a fool out of you. you shouldnt have sent more cash. that person is trying to fool you

  4. E-mail Her Back And Tell Her To Return It And Have Her Pay The Shipping Back And Give Her, Her Money Back. Just Re-list The Item And Sell It To Another Buyer That will Appreciate it. There's always gonna be people like that.

  5. I've had this b4 too.

    The buyer entered into a contract with you by bidding & further more winning this item.

    She knew the price of postage b4 bidding as it was shown on her screen, if she didn't agree with the postage costs she should'nt of bidded, it's her fault so tough!

    As for the grease marks, if you think it was completly clean b4 you posted it then stick to that and provide proof by e-mailing her the cleaning bill if you can, that way she can take it up with the dry cleaners from her end. Sounds to me like you've got a moaner on your hands there and is trying it on a bit with you.

    Check her feedback too, she may have form for this with other people!

    Only problem is she may harm your feedback score now but you can ask eBay to remove it if it's slanderous against your character.

    She must of paid you otherwise you would'nt of sent it so at least you got SOME money back from it.

    Some people really do expect a free dinner out there don't they.

    And besides, for £23 she should be well pleased.

    Tell her take a hike if she carry's on with you. Even if she does give you a negative, you can still leave a bad comment on her account although on the surface it will show as a + so write it in CAPIATLS to get attention!

    Good luck with this moron....x

  6. People on Ebay expect something for nothing. Point out exactly what you put here. Say you included all Paypal, Ebay, postage and packing expenses in the P&P price; plus a little extra for your own labour. State how much she paid for a £250 USED suit. Then bid her a good day..

    Moaning f*ckers ain' they! You're not on there for your own charity - you want to make a profit!

  7. Say what you just told us..."What do you expect for 23 " ( Sorry, my American keyboard has no pound sign)  

  8. did you advertise the grease mark?  well the only thing i can suggest is to tell her to send the dress back and you wil give her a full refund annoying i know but if you want a good rating on your ebay.. hay you might even be able to tidy the dress up and sell it for more than what you sold it for the first time round ;)

  9. Just say sorry no returns.

    And explain to her you ahd it cleaned before sending

    and also explain that you thought postage was reasonable, and even say you piad £250 for it new.

    Dont get too hostile about it though.

  10. Just point out to her that she bid on the item and could see the postage cost.  That you estimated the price and did not want to under quote so that it cost you money.  Advise her that you had the suit cleaned prior to sending it to her.  Some people expect things to be brand new and not to pay for postage.  I have had complaints from people paying $1 for an item that is worth like $100.  What return/refund policy did you list on your item?  Point her to that.

  11. dont forget that you had to package the item,then travel to the post office...

    just forget her

  12. when selling clothes its always a good idea to take a photo of the items, that way you can prove there was no stains on before you sent them, tell her to send a picture of the stain, if its in the place where you are certain there was no stain then tell her no way was that stain there when you sent it, ( some people wear the items then decide to send them back)  if the postage cost a lot less then don't worry about it, most people earn a little on the postage, she agreed to the postage before buying it so she knew how much it was and how much you were charging her, don't worry about that, if she keeps abusing you by email or phone ( yes they can get your phone numbers) then put a report into ebay, don't give in to her and give her a refund she sounds awful, don't worry about her giving you bad feedback you can give it to her too. good luck and don't give in.  

  13. The shipping charge includes wrapping the item in a manner as to which it can be suitable for posting. If it only cost £3.80 to post then charging her £9.99 is a bit excessive, but you were still within your rights to charge it as it was in your description and if she didn`t like it she shouldn`t have bid.

  14. she cant dispute a shipping charge, its in the ebay rules. if she bid than she agreed to the shipping thats her fault. as for the stain if you dont want negative feedback you could work something out like maybe refund half the payment except shipping and move on.

  15. First off with any thing that you sell, you need to put somewhere in the description, either "as is", "no returns".

    Second when you mail out something, if you did it through paypal there is a section where you don't need to show the postage paid.

    If you mailed it through your regular postal service, you don't have much of a choice.

    I wouldn't refund her anything.

    Explain to her that what she got was more than what it is really worth.

    People will argue with the tiniest things to get money back.

    If you get a negative feedback, just deal with it for now.  You can appeal it though, and I am sure Ebay will be on your side.

    Neutral feedbacks will not harm you.

    You can always reply to someone's feedback once they left you yours.

    Just remember to leave those important notes in your description whenever you sell something.


    Ebay seller for over 8yrs!

  16. If the postage price was clearly displayed then she accepted that when she bid and won the suit so she has no case for that.

    By winning she entered into a legal contract knowing the full cost and cannot say that she was misled, unless she never read the details, but then that is her problem not yours.

    The postage cost you paid probably was the price of the stamps, remember you would have bought a box or something to put it in which would have cost something.

    There is either a mark on it or there is not. do you have any receipts to prove the cleaning can she prove the mark is there with a photo?

    The buyer sounds to me like the kind of person I hate selling to, they get an absolute bargain item and still complain to try and get it for free.

    Tell her to send it back, get it cleaned and sell it again, who knows you may get a better price for it and she will have to look elsewhere.

    The cow that she is.

  17. it's difficult regarding the grease mark , always make sure you list every slight detail.  

    As far as the post is concerned, you should always weigh and work out the postage and charge that amount (maybe with a bit to cover packaging)  But never try to make money on postage it will give you a bad reputation.

    Start your bidding on an amount that will cover the listing but always be prepared to let go of your item for a song .  If you are going to feel sad about it going for so little, then put a reserve on it, or a buy now price or a higher start price.

    i think you should be polite to her, apologise for the grease mark saying you were unaware of it and that it was cleaned (but if you did know about it , next time you list something always state it's exact condition so that there is no comeback)  and also apologise for the high postage - however you could also remind her that she bought the item knowing the postal costs incurred.  Personally i would offer her a £5 refund to cover the extra postage.

    Just be polite on this one, it's not worth getting into a tiz about it.

  18. Its an auction for a used item, Have you kept the dry cleaning receipt, Also with the p&p when she placed the bid she went into a contract with you that she excepts the terms of the auction Dont worry some people are like that.

    Just explain to her that the suit was cleaned and on the photos you enlisted there is no mark.

    And as for the p&p that was a reasonable amount for you time and effort.

  19. that's very annoying, you should tell her, ''deal with it, or if you want you can send it back and i will refund you. your choice.''

  20. Your terms of selling, including postage costs, were shown in your listing, I assume.

    If so, she has no right to complain. You are taking into account, postage, packing materials & taking it to a post office or wherever - she can't argue.

    I would suggest that you tell her to return the suit if unhappy, you'll refund the £23, but ABSOLUTELY NOT the £9.99 postage.

    But don't refund until you get it back & check it. The buyer may have bought it for a function, worn it & be taking the p**s.

  21. If this is going to be your one-and-only eBay transaction, blow it off.  After all, you have her money and she has the merchandise -- case closed.  She'll "neg" you, but so what?

    However if you plan to stay involved in eBay, try to work it out with her.  First, refund the the excess postage -- that's fair.  Second, ask if she'll accept a small refund for the alleged grease stain -- whatever you can agree on.  Taking the item back, and refunding the total amount is a last resort.  Bend over backward to protect your feedback rating, (if you have one.)

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