
Ebay help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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on ebay, i want to block user from other countries bidding or buying my items, i think i did this using the 'countries i dont post to' option, but how does ebay know i only post to UK? basically i want to know how i can get to use ebay as a uk site only, so i dont get scammed with people who live live in botswana or say they do




  1. you have to go to the sister site, or something like that OR when you setup the auction, near the end, after you've typed in your description, set the price, all that; there is a section that says,  "seller ships to the following": and you check the boxes of the countries you will only ship to; which in your case is UK. If you check the box that says "worldwide" which Ebay will automatically allow every person on the planet to bid , which you dont want.

  2. use my website:
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