
Ebay help??????

by  |  earlier

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When i sell stuff on ebay how do i get it shipped to the person just go to the post office and ship it???




  1. You ship it anyway you want you just have to list the way you're shipping it in the auction. You can't have them pay for ups then ship it usps or people get mad :)

    You can also print shipping labels via paypal or, and then you don't have to go to the post office.

    Like the guy said above it's agood idea to have tracking information this will be your proof if they say they didn't get the item. If they report to paypal that they didn't get the item and you don't have the tracking information they will trust the buyer.

  2. basically, Yes.

    I always wait to get confirmation that payment has actually posted to Paypal. Then I print an order sheet, bring it to the post office or UPS, and mail it.

    if you have confirmation/tracking numbers, then you'd email those to the buyer.

  3. yeah :) they should give you there postcode and other details.

  4. When you list your item for sale, you will have to fill out your rules for shipping. You can charge a flat rate (say, like, $5) or you can weigh the package ahead of time and tell the buyer that they pay whatever shipping they want (in addition to what they pay you for the item). You then take the package to the post office or UPS or however your buyer wants it, and you mail it off. Your buyer will pay you for the shipping up front, so you will have the money to ship.
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