
Ebay keeps removing my listings!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have recently purchased some Baby Einstein dvd box sets to sell on ebay.... I have listed them 3 times now & all 3 times the listing have been removed & we do not know why.

Ebay sent us a message saying that it is copyright & counterfeit product however the dvds are legitimate & i am using my own pictures & description.

I have heard that it may be the competition reporting us & ebay automatically removing it to drive there price up higher & get rid of the competition.

Has this happened to anyone & what did you do about it? I have tried to contact ebay but they keep sending me the same automatic email saying my products are fake when they are not!!!!




  1. Your first problem is that you're buying things to put up on eBay.  Where did you purchase them from and are you sure that they are legitimate?

    If they keep taking the product down, stop putting it up.  They'll just end up banning your account and any of the ones associated to it.  Find another means by which to contact them regarding the issue.

  2. Probably another seller of these is reporting you, to keep his prices up.

    It's a well known trick. The system works automatically and it can be ages before human staff get round to checking.

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