
Ebay question (please help need to know asap)?

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when you're placing a big on ebay, when it tells you to confirm your bid, it gives you the current bid and then it says "your maximum bid"

does that mean i can't bid again? like is that saying i'm the highest i'm willing to bid? or no?

please help!!!




  1. yes your maximum bid is "the highest you're willing to go"  you can always up your max. bid.

    basically what it does is if your max. bid is $50 and the current bid is $45. If someone bids $47 then you automatically are highest bidder at $48

  2. no, you set your maximum bid

    you can keep bidding


    omg! ebay is SO STUPID!!! i seens this IDIOT!! pay $143 for a Used ipod nano.. the lowest gig...!!! he could have got a Brand New one for the same Price!! not including shipping and handling.. what an idiot!!

  4. chill out smoke a blunt and see wat happen naw mean mah niga

  5. yes, it's the highest you're willing to bid...

    you can bid as many times as you want...

  6. Your maximum bid is the most money you would be willing to pay.  

    e-Bay will automatically set your current bid just higher than the current bidder's maximum bid IF your maximum bid is higher than his.

    If someone else sees your current bid and bids a higher value, your bid will automatically increase enough to outbid the new bidder, UNLESS the new bidder's maximum bid is higher than yours.

    Regardless of how it's intended, you can always raise your maximum bid later.  In fact, if a person is high bidder for quite a while, they begin to anticipate winning their new item at a good price and having someone come along and outbid them is practically traumatic.  Suddenly winning the item becomes more important than the price of the item and the buyer is much more willing to pay a higher price than they were originally.

    This is why you get quite a few "snipers" on e-Bay auctions.  They wait until seconds before the deadline before putting in their bid.  If the bidding has already gone higher than they like, they haven't made an emotional investment in the auction and it's easy to move on to something else.  If the bidding is still low enough to make the item attractive, they can bid a realistic value for the item and not have the previous bidder come back and turn the auction into a win at all costs contest.

  7. you can bid as many times as you want. the place maximum bid option will contuine bidding for you up to you max bid if someone beats your current bid

  8. you can bid again if you want.  The maximum bid is basically helping you out.  It will automatically adjust your bid up to the amount you set if you get outbid.  If your maximum bid gets outbid you can always set a new one

  9. current bid is the one you just put in and maximum bid is an automatic bid is activated when someone beats your bid and the maximum bid is activated

  10. you can still bid again

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