
Ebay question???

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How much does ebay get off your sell???

If you dont sell Item how much do you have to pay ebay???




  1. It is not a fixed rate, it is a percentage of the listing price + ending price plus extra fees for # of days, pictures, gallery. ect of your choosing. You need to go to ebay and read it all for yourself and apply it to what you are selling and how you want to set it up. If it doesn't sell, I beleive you still pay for the listing price & the extras, but not the final ending price fee, but you get to relist....  you need to read it for yourself to be sure.

  2. if the item goes unsold they don't charge you and you can relist it...

    if it sold it usually cost you about 30p per item unless you put extra pictures on or put it as a highlighted item.

    good luck

  3. you don;t have to pay ebay but if your going to cell you only have to pay in cents.
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