I¨m from Spain and bought a handbag from a private seller in Ebay on the 18th July. Before winning the bid, I asked the seller to include insurance for the bag. She said "It will be on the invoice when I send it if you win".
I paid through Paypal, that´s what I received. She claims she uses Auctiva and that she has no records of me having paid insurance. I never received any invoice or way of payment in relation to Auctiva.
Anyway, when a month has passed, the first thing I do is asking her in relation to the bag. But the first thing she answered was:
"Did you purchase insurance for the bag?"
I´m sure ( due to more several mails where she NEVER says when she shipped my bag ) that she never sent it to me.
Now she "suggests" that I should pay again the shipping and insurance again ( USD 19 ). I don´t agree with that and my question is:
If I opened a dispute, do I have possibilities of winning? Has anyone undergone a situation like this?
Thank you very much!