
Ebay seller query?some questions?

by  |  earlier

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A few months ago I sold a car on ebay and I was expecting a seller fee,but since I have had a bill every month although I havent sold anything on there. So does this mean I am stuck with seller fees for the rest of my life on ebay although I have no intention of selling?

Plus has anybody got the number I can call for ebay UK so I can talk to them about this.





  1. the ebay seller fees will have to be paid by you. ebay will suspend your ebay account after a period of time if you do not pay the fees.

    ou can actually contact ebay through the home page. by clicking on the help tab located to the top right hand coner. hope this helps.

  2. Have you paid the seller fee? If not it will remain there till you do.

    If you leave it too long they can take you to court for the money.

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