
Ebay seller trouble?

by  |  earlier

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I paid for an item on the 29th of august and today the item still hasn't shipped out. I have the tracking number, it just shows billing information received. I sent a e-mail to the seller yesterday morning. How long should I wait for a response, before sending another message?




  1. Double check the listing to see if it states approximate shipping times. If they state nothing or else say the item will be shipped immediately, then send another message tomorrow.

    If they still haven't contacted you by Friday, send a third message and let them know that due to their lack of response you will be initiating a report via eBay. Then, go through the eBay reporting process. Keep detailed records and only state the absolute facts (no opinions). Good luck!

  2. If it's usps then it won't show up until its delivered.
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