
Ebay sellers! When is the best time to start listing boys fall clothes?

by  |  earlier

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I've got tons of Gymboree and need to make as much money as possible.




  1. Around back-to-school time when parents will be scouring the internet for bargains.  Tip:  List your stuff in lots - people go nuts for lots of kids clothes - I guess they think they are really getting something.

  2. now

  3. In the fall!

  4. Now is the perfect time because school is starting next month!

  5. start now many people are looking for fall clothes beacuse its back to school season and fall clothes are more expensive during the fall

  6. start selling it in the end of summer and when ebay have discounts on fees .

  7. anytime really, we're heading into fall soon enough though so i'd start now!

  8. right now..going into the fall

  9. anytime

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