
Ebay sellers do you think ebay's feedback system needs changed?

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Does anyone else feel like ebay's feedback system is hurting their business and that sellers have too much power to say anything they want in the feedback?




  1. I'm hoping you mean that Buyers have to much power over the Sellers. The most recent change to the feedback system denies a Seller from leaving any negative feedback for a buyer. The Sellers are now being brought to their knees by Buyers that lie, don't pay promptly, don't know how to read item descriptions and the list goes on. My wife is a Power Seller and is getting sick and tired of the new found power a 99 cent Buyer has over her. So to answer your question yes it needs to be changed or you will most certainly see Ebay profits going down the toilet.

  2. I thought the old system was bad, because the sellers would never leave feedback until you the "buyer" did first.

    Now, with the new system the sellers can not leave negative feedback for the buyers and now this has created a new set of problems, like the other person who answered has stated.

    I think the new system makes the sellers more responsible to their customers, but people will take advantage of the system and it's new flaws will be exposed.

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