
Ebay <span title="item!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">item!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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i purchased a item on ebay and they delivered the wrong item. they told me 2 send the item back so i did and now theyre not sending the correct item back.. its been 3 and a half weeks and im still waiting... what should i do???




  1. File a claim with eBay. Most sellers don&#039;t want negative feedback so they should be willing to make you happy.

  2. The only thing you can do is file a complant, but it is so sad when a seller rips people off, other than that there is nothing Ebay will do. which makes me mad.

    I have seen one seller for a year ripping people off for over 200.00 each or more. and ebay still let him sell.

    The only thing that sucks about Ebay is that they do nothing to help protect the buyer.

    sorry can&#039;t help you, but your really out of luck.

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