
Ebay what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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i really think ebay is not a place for the small seller anymore i cant believe they know everyone is suffering with the credit crunch then they throw huge fees at us do you think they are far remember these higher fees mean the prices of products will increase.




  1. usually i only purchase on ebay, but i do sell sometimes just for the fun of it, but usually the profit is tiny and it doesn't worth it, it would be good if you have a small business like tailoring or some collectibles

  2. I think that your right. I think that ebay isn't a good place for a small seller because they put products at the most RIDICULOUS prices and the product doesn't even cost that much in stores! Its totally ridiculous. Also people just sell things just to get money for it and a lot of it!  

  3. It isn't a good place for a small seller! My mom sold a trampoline on craigslist and 5 minutes after she put it on the website for sale she got like 20 calls in 3 minutes!  

  4. I agree. I'm rapidly going off ebay for this very reason.

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