
Eclipse question! I'm confused!?

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In Eclipse, there is a small passage where Edward is reading Wuthering Heights and Bella reads the section he read. I don't understand the significance of it though, I have read wuthering heights. Maybe I'm just being dim, but what is the significance of Edward reading that particular part?




  1. It's the blood drinking. If you read it back again you'll realise that Bella points out about the drinking of blood.  

  2. er... i think its about the blood drinking part, and the posessivness over Bella, and how Edward would not hurt Jacob cuz bella didn't want it, but he would have if bella'd let him.... i think thats it

  3. Some of the significance is in the blood drinking, but only as Bella draws this direct comparison between Edward and Heathcliff. The real significance lies in the fact the Edward will tolerate Jacob in Bella's life only as long as Bella wants him there, because she wants him there. And as soon as she doesn't, he will kill him- if not literally.

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