
Eclipse (twilight series) in need some info?

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Can someone please tell me what happened at the end of Elipse. I checked the book out from the library and I didnt notice that my due date was today and I wasnt finished reading and I couldnt re-new it because somelse requested it...sooo

I stopped reading after edward killed victoria.

So can someone some it up from that point to the end




  1. edward kills vistoria

    bella faints

    and you can read the rest by yourself at this website

    its so whole book and all the other 3 books in the series are there too

  2. mmmm.... well after he kills victoria the volturi come and they go killing a new born that was left with them, jake is injured and bella gets upset and goes to see him, they talk and then she tells him that she really loves edward... she says goodbye to her and she goes... she cries all night and edward supports her, then the next morning she tells him that she loves him and that she would not be able to live without him... they go to see alice and she is very happy because of the wedding... she even shows bella her bride dress... then ed. and bella go out and they talk, they are going to get married, and at the end they decide to go and see charlie...

    on the epilogue it changes to jake's mind and he turns into a wolf and started running after an invitation arrived... he was totally in pain...

    hope to help you  

  3. The war with Victoria ends.

    Everyone ends up safe, with one exception of course. Jacob is seriously hurt. I think it was his whole right side of his body that was broken. Anyway, he is sent back to his house after everything ends. There was one survivor from the newborns - not really a survivor, more like a surrender. She surrendered so Carlisle - and the rest of the Cullens - said that they would spare her since she was completely unaware of knowing that what Victoria was telling them to do was bad.

    But, though it seemed like things were finished, the Volturi happen to stop by - they finally saw that the "Seattle Killings" really was becoming a bit too big and obnoxious. So they brought Jane along with a few other Volturi guard members to exterminate the 20+ newborns that were beoming a nuisance. Edward and the rest of the Cullens explain everything.

    And then Jane - with the rest of her crew that came - are fairly amazed and impressed by how well they handled the situation. In the end, the whole Victoria thing is over. But, Bella still has to face her Jacob problem. She goes down to see him - he was still in recovery mode. She tells him, even though it will hurt her, that she no longer wants to hurt Edward by worrying over Jacob. And after that Jacob gets a wedding invitation to Bella's and Edward's wedding.

    Bella didn't wanna send him an invitation because it would seem like she was forcing him to go - and it would be wrong to have him sit through the ceremony though it would be hurtful to him anyway. Edward sends the invitation saying: "She didn't wanna hurt you by sending one.

    But I know that if I was in your situation I would've wanted the same choice, too." Jacob feels really, really sad after getting this message. So he runs away in wolf form.. and doesn't come back EVER! He's thinking to himself how easier it is to deal with little human problems when in wolf form. THE END!!!


    Ohhh, and somewhere between all of this stuff, the point of view switches from Bella's to Jacob's perspective. Only the last chapter actually.

  4. after edward killed victoria the volturi came and then left because the cullens already did the Volturi's job then she went and visited Jacob and told him that she wanted Edward instead and started crying on the way home and pulled over and couldn't see anymore then Edward came because Alice had seen Bella and took her home and she cried all night and Edward was there getting his shirt stained and everything and thenthey go to visit The Cullens and then to their medow and then on their way to Bella's house to tell Charlie about the engagement.

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