
Eco Scools???

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i need your help as i need to come up with ideas to make my school eco friendly. we've already got hippos in the toilet's but that about it.




  1. to make your schools eco friendly, u can do many things. you can fine people heavily for littering, plucking flowers from the gardens, etc. too. and promote usage of plastic bags by sticking posters on the walls and encourage people to recycle by example. keep recycle bins wherever possible..


  2. from the way you spell scool you probably need to spend more time worrying about academics rather than making it green.

  3. There are many ways to make a school Eco friendly. Turn out lights when leaving the classroom. Change all light bulbs to energy saving ones, turn heating down 2-3 degrees. This will save energy. In winter keep doors shut to retain heat.

    When washing hands, put plug in sink, this will save a lot of water, don't just run the tap. Does your school have plants, or a garden area? Put rainwater butts onto down pipes to collect rainwater, and water plants with it. Use both sides of a piece of paper, even when photo copying. Collect used paper and vegetable scraps, and start a wormerie, this will make great compost. If you can't use the compost at school, sell it to parents who can use it. (raise funds for the school) Do you have a tuck shop? Use paper bags to put sweets etc in.  Paper bio degrades and rots down. Have rubbish bins for different rubbish. One for paper, another for plastic, another for cans. They can then be recycled. Growing out of school uniform? have a swap shop.

    I hope this helps. Well done to your school for going Eco friendly, good luck,  the world needs us to act now.
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