
Eco-friendly flyers??

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Some friends and I are looking to hand out flyers about really GOING GREEN. The thing is flyers are printed on paper and are usually wasted which isnt very green, is there any ideas on how we can do this more efficiently and without so much waste nor harm to the earth?




  1. Use 100% recycled and/or 100% tree-free paper.

    Print as much information as you can on the smallest amount of paper (but make sure people can still read it!).

    In the past, I've made flyers and then shrunk them down so that I got 4 flyers out of one sheet of paper.  If you use a nice clear font and simplistic language, it gets the point across with the least amount of waste.

    If you're physically handing them to people, try to give them to people that appear interested.  It's hard to know, but you can at least avoid the people that just stick out their hand without looking at you - those will be the most likely to just throw it away without reading it.

  2. recycled paper?
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