
Eco friendly school???

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OK last year, I managed to get my school recycling bins for the cafeteria. But this year, I want to do so much more!!! Like adding bike racks, paper recycling, encouraging turning off lights. Plus my school consists of a building 100+ years old, and some trailors about 3 years old. In two years we are getting a new school building. I'm going in 7th grade. I need ways to persuade the teachers, and to get an adult to "supervise" the meetings (which will be after school and on club day, which is once a month on friday). I'm a high honor roll student, the teachers love me, and I'm in every club possible, so getting help should not be too hard. I also need to figure out how to get other students to help, or be involved. Lastly, some project ideas for the green club, and ways to help make the new building "Green" would really be appreciated. Thanks so much for all your help! And I'm glad that there are more eco-activists too!




  1. There are many ways of making a building more green, by using solar power for the hot water it will save the school lots of money. You can even keep a building warmer by having moss or grass on a flat roof. These are just some suggestions. Try asking your school to go to a green exhibiton to find alternatives. That often prooves to save money too.

    Something that the school should be doing is to have some "greenspace", which could be a school garden. You could grow food or flowers and have growing competitons. This will help students bond with nature and help them become active. It can be both educational and fun. This is something all ages of school student will be interested in.

    I would also suggest for you to speak to a prefect who is in the sixth form, who maybe able to help you. They will possibly help and know the teachers and school better and involving students just a bit older than you will encourage the school community as a whole. I would also suggest you speak to your biology teacher too, as they will know a lot you can do and may also be able to help you with your club.

    Try to remember to keep it fun! If you get your club off the ground, Try thinking up your own games for the club that are about green issues. You could as a group design posters reminding students about green issues.  You could even organise an "own clothes day" and raise money for a green charity?

    I hope that helps

    Good luck and all the best on your first year of high school.

  2. You could have the school get the new "green" papertowels, and encourage recycled paper plates that they have out now, plus there is so many things like napkins, encourage everyone to go green by using a waterbottle (like you take to the gym) instead of buying the little bottles of water and just throwing the bottles everywhere.

  3. ok

  4. Grow some trees :D
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