
Eco-towns call ahead of demo - so, how DO we sustain it best? Where? What criteria are practical/effective????

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Eco-town rethink call ahead of demo

Press Assoc. - Monday, June 30

Campaigners against plans to build a number of eco-towns are due to march on Parliament as one leading conservation group urged the Government to "go back to the drawing board".

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) said many of the 15 shortlisted schemes are recycled conventional development proposals and there is a "worrying lack of evidence" they will offer sustainable lifestyles.

CPRE's head of planning, Marina Pacheco, urged the Government to focus instead on one or two "truly exemplary" schemes, which are sited in the right place to be sustainable and could be developed to the best green standards.

The CPRE voiced its concerns as campaigners against nine of the proposals headed to London to protest against the plans and present a petition against them to 10 Downing Street.

Groups from Staffordshire, Essex, Norfolk, West Sussex, Cambridgeshire, Warwickshire, Worcs..




  1. ,Do we really need all these Towns, Cities whatever they are, and leave the Countryside alone. If we take any notice of any Government who continually want to put thousands of houses up, then all our Green spaces will disappear . If they stopped letting all these People into the Country we would have no need to keep building, thus putting this Country up for the Medal of having dense housing estates, and no trees.

  2. Yet another sneaky excuse to squeeze more money from tax payers. The eco-n**i's have a lot to answer for.

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