
Ecological farming advantages over ordinary farming?

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Everything, starting from maths through ecology and environment, to simple common sense.




  1. seems expensive at first...after ten years its worth it!

  2. That really is too broad of a question. Suffice to say that when one mimics nature in agriculture, one works with the flow in all aspects of it. Too frequently in ordinary farming techniques, the natural flow and rhythm is short cut, ignored, or just plain trampled under foot. To go against the flow is to use too much "energy". To get out of the flow and walk "the banks" of a concept gets you feet muddy and sore from the rocks, and for all that, you never swim, and the point was to swim, not stumble.

  3. I don't know how to go about answering a question like this. I learned farming from my father, and him from his father, and him from his father and far back as I can trace it. Every one of them stressed ecological farming, controlling soil erosion, keeping streams, ponds and waterways clean, crop rotation, cover crops, green manure crops, in general turning the farm over to the next generation in better shape than we received it in. And guess what? We are ordinary farmers. Today people seem to think ecological farming is something new and something only organic farmers can do. Take a close look and you will find out that us ordinary farmers have been doing a pretty good job for years. To quote Mike up there we have been swimming along with nature pretty well, working to better our farms, preserve wildlife, and generally improve the community. And that is simple common sense.

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