
Economic collapse: why september?

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I've heard some people say that the economy is supposed to collapse in September or October, and that by February, 2009, the government finances are supposed to collapse. Why those days, instead of into next year, or the year after? Somehow, I have a feeling that it will happen, even though I'm not an economist, but why those dates?




  1. Someone is predicting the month that the world will fall into economic chaos...

    Sounds like crazy talk to me. I suggest that you just nod and back away slowly from the person telling you this stuff.

  2. The only logical explanation for people saying that, would be that they predict that the economy will be in a recession after the third quarter GDP results get reported in October. Remember that in order to be in a recession you must have two negative increases to GDP, we haven't had one yet. We will be ok.

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