
Economic problems?

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is george bush to blame for alll the economic problems




  1. Yes on the one hand.

    No on the other.

    Do you know the joke about the one handed economist?

    Give me a one-handed economist! All my economists say, On the one hand on the other.

    Truman, Harry S

  2. I believe George W. Bush and the American Government has done everything it can to help the American Economy.

    However, it it the American People who have to do their part to help the economy and sitting around and complaining how the economy is doing poorly does not count.

    All Americans need to do their part to help the American Economy. If this means spending $5 dollars more a week, eatting out at local restaurants instead of national chain restaurants, and taking the family to a baseball game and buying the cheapest tickets, all Americans have to do their part to help the economy. After all, government can only do so much and if they decide to sit around and complain how the economy is doing poorly, that doesn't help the economy and that is not George W. Bush fault you complain about the economy, it is the individuals fault because they are not doing their part to help the economy.
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