
Economic reasons for marijuana legality?

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what are some good reasons, not moral or health related, for marijuana legality, please include a source in your answer or i can't use it!

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  1. The Economic issue seems more sinister to me. My Doctor wants me on medicine for my high blood pressure and  I wear glasses for mild myopia. There is a natural cure for these ailments, and I could produce it at home, sprinkle it on my dinner or bake it into my desserts and I wouldn't be a consumer of regular Doctor visits, blood pressure prescriptions or eyeglasses every year. Sadly I think illegality has become the economic stimulus.

    My source is reason and the Constitution, if you look through it, it does not grant the power to ban any substance. So long as I don't engage in "Interstate Commerce" To label an item as contraband seem counter intuitive to a Free People. The argument needs to be on authority to control a substance and the counter-economic costs as opposed to just a financial benefit. These guys are correct in the economic advantages, but these tend to win few arguments. Good Luck!

  2. 1.  Taxes which can be used for things like supporting the development of alternative energy.

    2.  Saving money because we do not have to prosecute people for having it.

    3.  Potheads won't have anything to talk about, not economic.

  3. 1. increased tax revenue from sales taxesand licensing fees.

    2. reduced expenses for arresting, prosecuting and jailing for possession charges.

    3. reduction of public antagonism toward the police and government.

    4. increased contribution to the economy by people who have not been fired and/or imprisoned.

  4. Industrial hemp is useful in countless ways.

    Paper, cloth, even oil can be made from it.

    Consider the fact that it is, in essence, a weed. Farmers have a whole new cash crop that can be grown right beside their food crops, without nearly as much fuss.

    Happy farmers pay their bills.

  5. Expand tax base for local, state and federal governments.

  6. Stop spending BILLIONS of my tax dollars to warehouse druggies.  Spend the money treatment for those who want it, F the rest, build more coffins.

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