
Economy, what will it be like in 10 years?

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With the way the economy is currently, what do you think the US will be like and even the world in 10 years?




  1. The economy historically has run in cycles of 8-12 years,,so I suspect things will be similar to today in 10 years...It will probably take another 6 months for the economy to bottom out,,the election will bring some new hope and that hope will be compounded by the joy of the holidays, people will generally be happier and that happiness will snowball, people will feel better about themselves,work harder, productivity and efficiency will increase, companies will be running better, hire more people, make more money, the dollar will gain back some ground on the rest of the world, the mess in Iraq should be wrapping up in by next summer, which will continue the over all feeling of happiness and pride that Americans have in their country, which in turn will make people and companies (the economy) happier and healthier,,people will be smarter with their money after having gotten rid of their debt, they will spend smartly inthe economy and things should be good for a while,,,then slowly, people will start to spend more than they have again, people and companies will go broke, crime will go up, everyone will panic, Iran will get thier nukes and bomb Isreal,,if we have a democrat in the white house, terrorists will wreak havoc on american soil becasue they dont have the guts to take aggresive measures to fight terrorism abroad,,,if a republican is in office, they will start world war 3, the country will be divided again, we will spin into recession and everyone will be sad and poor and unpatriotic for a while - until the next presidential election of 2016 and so on and forth

  2. I don't Know what it will be like in 10 yrs,....but i do know in 2010 the united states will open it's borders to Canada and Mexico......This is called the North American Union......Pres. Bush signed agreement that will open the borders to these two neighbors of ours with free trade that will initially help our economy to help each other to keep our heads above water.....This is what the E.UNION HAS DONE.......and it's working........the things is they have been doing it for some yrs and it's paying dividends.

    Our New Currency will be called the Amero......This is serious.

    Googel North American Union and you will see what we are headed toward.........I t will get much much worse before we get any footing........most experts say it will take us 10 plus years to get out of the deep hole that will will be falling into in the next year or two.

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