
Economy sucks! Layed off for 1st time (age 45) My friends blame democratic congress? 2/3rds? or Majority?

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I thought it was barely a democratic congress like 51% and you need to have 2/3rds to voting to pass or veto? HELP IM A DUMMY-Crat to them. I swear I was right When I said that!






  2. Blame the GOP and Bush's failed economic policy. The Democrats can't be blamed for something that's been out of their hands--since being a minority party for 12 years--now can they?

    Your layoff didn't just start when the Democrats barely took over Congress. (Even though the GOP and Bush still controls the bottom line.)

    It started in a RECESSION created by Bush's failed home ownership mentality.

    And at the time (2004) when this all started going down, the GOP were in complete control of the nation's policies and economic direction (or should I say: MISDIRECTION), and Bush was gabbing on about how "cool it would be to own your very own home".

    Greenspan's lowering of the interest rates happened and...POW!

    The housing market collapsed like a deck of cards.

    Bernanke is just following his example.

  3. They're a majority.  If the Democrats win big, they will have no excuse for the future messes they that are planning on creating.

    It took the Democrat controlled Congress less than 2 years to take a solid economy and ruin it.  Nice work.

  4. Contrary to what bravozulu has written, the Democrat majority is razor thin in the Senate. It is actually one vote, and depends on the support of Vt. Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who usually sides with the Dems. They have a larger majority in the House, but it is less than necessary to override a Presidential veto. The Dems are not very cohesive (bravozulu is wrong there also), and they seldom vote as a bloc. Some Democrats are known as "Blue Dogs)", and they frequently side with the Republicans. You were correct in your assessment of Congress. The poor job picture has resulted mainly from the Republican policies which have been unfriendly to workers in general. There is plenty of blame to go around, but the current session of Congress has had little effect until now. Bush canveto anything he dislikes, and the Dems cannot override him. Your friend is full of s**t.

  5. Congress is in firm control of the democrats with a majority especially with Pelosi who keeps her party in lock step.  The Senate needs a few Republicans besides the liberals that usually join Democrats to reach 60% to stop debates.

  6. Could you expand on why you were layed off? What type of business was it? It is hard to place blame if we don't know details. I lost my job because of technology changes. Nobody was to blame. It was just the way things happen sometimes.

  7. When the Democrats win big they will be saddled with all of the Republican debt. You must remember that politics has a pendulum effect as well as a flywheel effect, meaning that once certain disastrous or fortunate events are set into motion by a previous administration the succeeding one has to deal with it- the pendulum is merely a belated response to the continuous motion of the flywheel of our economy no matter who is in charge.

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