
Ectopic Pregnancy question?

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I had found out that I was pregnant and my baby was in my right tube, all in the same day :-( During the surgery, they ended up removing my right tube....that was exactly one week ago. My doctor said that I should be able to go back to work this week but physically and mentally I'm just not up to it.

I know the mental part will take some time as well as the physical, but I just wanted to know about other women's experience's.




  1. I had a miscarriage back in march. It was so hard when I left the hospital that dad I cried all the way home and could not sleep. My husband took two days off of work to be with me. It was so hard to be around any little baby's. It still is hard. The worst thing is that I have not get pregant since than. So it is hard and it always will be. I am so sorry for your lost. If you need someone to talk to e-mail me at

  2. I had an ectopic pregnancy a few years ago so I know what you are feeling- I am sorry you had to go through this. They didn't remove my tube they gave me methotrexate- unsure spelling- which slowly dissolves the pregnancy. I had to go back to the hospital everyday for testing to make sure the pregnancy was dissolving- this was so difficult on me. It took about a week. I felt so emotionally drained after this I didn't go back to work for almost a month after. I am surprised how much harder this was to get through then my previous miscarriages. Physically I took it easy for a short while a week or so- mine was a little different because I didn't have surgery but I found I healed fast. Emotionally has been a process but I have healed now from it as much as possible- it aches to think of it but I don't think of it that often anymore. I actually found it hard when I had my first child last Dec because it brought it and the miscarries more to mind. I had a tangible baby to show me what I had lost. Before it was abstract. I did find this wasn't a lingering thought but it still did come to mind. My girl is seven months- I do have a happy ending and again I rarely think of my losses now, I instead find happiness in the day to day life. The physical and emotional pain does fade I promise, take care of yourself. My thoughts and prayers are with you

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