
Ectoplasm, is that out of fashion now?

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There was a time when mediums used to disgorge ectoplasm but you don't hear of anybody claiming to do it nowadays.

Is that becasue it has been proven to be fake? Or do some folks still think it is possible.

I must be spending too much time in this section because last night I had a dream that bad black ectoplasm was coming out of my feet. Lol.




  1. The closest thing to ectoplasm that I've ever seen is some kid in dire need of having his nose wiped.

    Back in the day the mediums would use cheesecloth.

    Sometimes it would come out of their mouth, nose, or just sit there looking pretty on someones shoulder.

    And some folks claim the milky film you see in some pictures is ectoplasm.

    However, I'm not aware of any substance that was collected by scientists or investigators.

  2. Ectoplasm has come to mean 2 different things.

    The first is a physical trail left by a entity

    See this link:

    The second is known as the misty forms and shapes that represent spirits.

    See this link:

  3. I've recently read about ectoplasm. I believe it could exist, of course. Nobody has proven it doesn't exist.

  4. The modern version of ectoplasm is the fog you see in pictures. Personally I think the fog is just that fog either natural or light damage of film.

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