
Ed is not fooled. It is you that have been fooled, by Alex Jones.?

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Alex Jones is a liar and fraud.

Why has he not talked about Ed?

Because he said the Jesuits are the root of all evil.

Why has he not talked about Sibel Edmonds?

Because she said All Roads Lead to Rome, on his show no less, forcing him to go to commercial break.

Why does he not mention the Bohemian Groves Patron Saint?

Because he knows it is a Jesuit one.

Why does Alex Jones claim Prince Bernhard was the mastermind of Bilderberg?

Because he knew the true master mind was a Jesuit Coadjutor/ Knight of Malta known as the Grey Pope Joseph Retinger.

Why doesnt Alex Jones talk about the Gunpowder Plot?

Because it was a Jesuit Plot.

Why does Alex Jones now claim to have always exposed the Jesuit Order and knew they were at the top of the power structure all along?

Because in order to maintain his credibility he has to give the illusion that he is exposing the Jesuits, and Knights of Malta and Opus Dei and all the other Vatican agents.




  1. I agree!

    I think.

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