My daughter is 2 1/2 years old. She has gone through lots of different phases. When she was a newborn she was extremely colic prone. Doctors always said she was fine but she cried all the time for the first 18 months and was very moody. She sort of got out of that phase as she started walking and learning to talk and express herself better.
But recently she gets fixated on one thing and get really upset when its time to end the game to nap, have a meal, go somewhere, and especially at bedtime. I am walking on egg shells to avoid certain words that I know she will flip over, I never say bath unless its bath time or she will blow a fuse and insist on a bath at that second.
I have seen this occur with other preschoolers many times but now that it is happening with me, I don't have a clue of how to address it. I try to find a transitional activity that will distract her away from her demand if its not possible to give it to her then. What more can I do about it or should I be firm?