
Edinburgh - Fancy Restauarants?

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Can anyone recommend a posh restaurant in Edinburgh that serves food of quality as close to what you see on masterchef, or Gordon Ramsay type programmes. I realise most of that stuff is found mainly in London though. It doesnt matter what type of food it is, be it Italian, Indian etc.




  1. Tiger Lily on George Street is trendy and flash

  2. Try Balmoral hotel. It's the fanciest restaurant as well as hotel.

  3. Martin Wishart's at the Shore is great.  The Witchery is very nice, but I prefer its sister restuarant Rhubarb which is based in the Presontfield House Hotel.

  4. The Witchery up by the castle is hard to beat.  Amazing atmosphere with only candlelight.

  5. In terms of Michelin stars, Martin Wishart down the Shore and Hadrian's at the Balmoral Hotel both have one star.  Others worth a visit include the Witchery up by the castle and the Grainstore in Victoria Street.  Happy dining.


    Creelers in the town centre (just off the high street - ).

    Been there on the Dine Around menu and loved it. In fact it is the only restaurant I will entertain that close to the high street.

  7. Despite what is often inferred there are some tremendous restaurants in Scotland and Edinburgh has its fair share

    I believe the Witchery near the castle is up there with the best for quality , and PRICE !!

  8. There are three restaurants in Edinburgh with one Michelin star (the highest available in Edinburgh - Gordon Ramsey's restaurant in London has 3 Michelin stars by comparison)

    Kitchin, The -  78 Commercial Quay , Leith , Edinburgh , EH6 6LX

    Martin Wishart -  54 The Shore , Leith , Edinburgh , EH6 6RA

    Number One @ The Balmoral Hotel -  1 Princes St , Edinburgh , EH2 2EQ

    I've eaten here and the food was fantastic though the restaurant itself is in the basement and the atmosphere was nothing special.

    Atrium -  10 Cambridge St , Edinburgh , EH1 2ED

    This restaurant has an awards list as long as your arm!

    L'Auberge 58 St. Mary's Street, Edinburgh

    I've eaten here too - it has no Michelin star but the food is excellent.

  9. The Balmoral is posh,    80 Queen st isn't so posh but they do great food and have great Jazz as well.X


    Hi click on the link above and it will take you to all of James Thomson's restaurants, I love the witchery and Rhubarb at Prestonfield, both very different atmospheres but very special.  I stayed in the Witchery the night of my wedding and also stayed at Prestonfield for my birthday both are over the top with luxury, and the food is gorgeous... my tummy is rumbling just thinking about it.

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