
Edit Student Council Speech?

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Anyone want to help me edit my student council speech? I am a Soph. running for Junior Athletic Director at an all girls school

So, what is the deal with the growth rate around here? You have the tall people, the tiny people, and then you have the average, plain janes. In fact, I think all sizes of people are stereotyped into their future profession! The tall guys usually become famous basketball players and football stars, whereas the short ones, well they end up in a law firm or a courthouse. Me? I’m average, a bit on the taller side, but I want to break out of any stereotypes I have been labeled as, and try something new and exciting. I had spent hours and hours trying to come up with a funny intro to my campaign, something to “hook” my audience if you will…when I realized, why can’t I just be myself?




  1. get rid of WOOOT at the end..  other than that, not too bad..

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