
Editing and mixing 720p and 1080i together?

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I have a sanyo hd camcorder and in camera can edit my clips, I want to use the 720 p for motions and 1080i slow movement,

can join them together in camera , but wondering if the sony or samsung widescreen 50

' can play the clips? is it one or the other?

(interlace and progressive)




  1. I'm not familiar with that specific camera, but in general, the editing is not important as long as you render in a format that the TV can handle.  Always render n the native format of the TV - if 720 p render that way, if 1080i render that way.  If you are going to "render up", then make sure you de-interlace (e.g. 1080i ==> 1080p)...

    By the way, you'll have better results with a computer based editor.  I use Vegas (PC) for home stuff, Avid (Mac) for client stuff.

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