
Education,education, education - Did B-Liar really mean it ?

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Or was this a ploy to keep people at school until they were 18 to avoid having to pay "dole" and avoid facing the truth that there are "No British jobs for British people"




  1. It is just one of the ways to keep unemployment figures down the same as not including the over 55s and many other omissions.One of your answers suggests our unemployment on comparison is not that bad.How would anyone know.The trouble is everyone will have a degree so it a degree will not be worth anything.Unemployment is destined to rise but perhaps not the unemployment figures.

  2. It didn't have any connnection with the later employment market and how these qualifications could actually be used in the real world.  It was just education to keep people busy and off the unemployment stats.  

  3. Just election rhetoric. Don't try to find any sense in it.

    Perhaps the houses of Parliment should be pulled down.  They are old.  What about St. Paul's Cathederal?  That's old - pull that down. Howabout all the thousands of other old buildings like the churches and the railway stations.

    Pulling down Victorian schools is a senseless waste of money. They were very well constructed and very expensive to replace.  

    Labours record on education is shamefull. But to be fair, it didn't all start in 1997 when they were last elected.  It started with a change of attitude in this country.

    Labour aren't doing anything to set things right.  Just making the exams easier to pass.  

  4. ask the students still paying back their loans to see them through university, one of Blairs great ideas of making them pay for their education

  5. No!just words.He was just climbing on Maggie's band waggon!

  6. Considering how hard it is to get financial support for any sort of retraining scheme (we've tried and hit a brick wall) I have to conclude that he was, as usual, talking b*llocks. . . cost is the major reason many unskilled people don't go back to college and retrain.  Either they can't afford to give up work or can't pay the course fees . . . "free" courses tend to be for people who can't read/write or have no basic maths skills.  You won't find many "free" courses to train as a plumber or an electrician and certainly no support to eat and keep a roof over your head whilst you train (£30 a week EMA isn't going to do a great deal, thats just drinking money for some teens . . . isn't exactly going to help a 25 year old with a partner and baby who wants to go back to college is it?)

    And I agree with elojoe - everyone having a degree just means that degrees become worthless.  We need to offer a mixture of different training opportunities, not just send everyone to Uni to do media studies . . .

  7. Don't be stupid.  This country's unemployment rate is still much, much lower than in other parts of the world.  The Tories did a much worse job last time.

    I think Blair did mean what he said and there has been a lot of investment, but this country never seems to be able to get education right. I can't think of any great educational moment in our history - going back the last 40 years.  Should have scrapped the private school system when they had the chance after WW2, but they never will now.  All that money would have pushed the whole system upwards.

    Don't use B-Liar - I know the papers do (or used to) but it's such an unimaginative term and looks a bit idiotic to be honest. sorry.

  8. Blair isn't in office so any increase in leaving age is nothing to do with him. He was referring to SPENDING on education, and in fairness to him they did increase education spending. I don't know about your area, but certainly around here crumlbling Victorian schools the Tories neglected have largely been demolished and replaced in the case of primary schools, or at least renovated in the case of secondaries.

    btw, I remember dole payments for under 18s being stopped guess when? In the 1980s, under Thatcher.

    Anyone who thinks pulling these buildings down was senseless has no sense. Before 1997, news bulletins night after night showed pupils in classrooms surrounded by buckets to catch the rain! Some were moved from leaky buildings to leaky mobiles, totally unsuitable for use as classrooms. Some people are just ungrateful and too willing to knock the man who was Britain's best ever PM. The previous Tory government spent more on dole giros than it spent on education. To say that we are no longer seeing these images on the 6 o'clock news is a testament to him, to say we no longer talk about the long and winding dole queue is a testament to him. If only he would come back!

  9. Sure.

    Why not?

    From the bottom of his heart.

    But how?

    Decode this lyrics "Say you say me"

    Look in the real world.

    When the gifts of life was long gone and was lost with time?

    Luke 11. 46 - 52

    What do you think?

  10. yeah, i think you were right on the lack of jobs score.

    Labour seems to have forgotten the original reason they were started (way back when) now it's all about making sure that the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the immigrants get everything!

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