
Education Assistance at UPS through Edcor, how long it takes to process, can i quit?

by Guest62188  |  earlier

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Okay so I work at UPS and we get education assistance through some edcor program that gives you 3000$ a year. And I know that if you work for only part of the semester you get paid only the fraction you worked. Semester is over, i passed my classes, but I know it takes forever to process everything. Problem is I have two jobs and I'm working sunday-saturday and just feel i have no free time, not to mention I hate UPS so I just want to quit. I don't want to ask anyone who works there, but can you still get the check if it's already being processed after you quit? Or do I have to wait in order to get it. Thanks in advance.




  1. Dear Gronz

    s***w UPS's education assistance program.  Seems this is how they hold on to their slave labor!

    I have a few suggestions.  But, since I don't know your age or living accommodations, I shall have to elaborate.

    First of all, if you live with your parent/s, have them EMANCIPATE you through the courts.  In this scenerio, instead the school looking at your parents income for student loans/grants, they look at YOURS. ! ! ! ! The major benefit is that you get more free money, obviously, because your income is so low and your parents income is, well, higher.

    If you are already beyond the age of living with your parents, suck it up, guy, and get the student loans.  Go to school full-time and study your *** off.  Statistics prove beyond doubt that your earning potential is majorly increased with an associate degree, more increased of course with a bachelor's degree and more with masters and so on.  You are obviously young and have your whole life ahead of you. Do not be scared to rack up tuition loans.  Put the figures on paper and draw out a time-line.  You may be in debt for 3 or 5 or 10 years (depending on how far you take your education) but your earnings after graduation will be more than ample to pay off the loan/s.

    In other words, you can stay at UPS for the next say 3 years at $9.00/hr and they say they will give you $3,000/year for college.  Meanwhile, YOUR GRADES SUFFER from working and going to school at the same time.  This is a catch-all because you cannot get into some advanced degree programs unless you have a certain "high" grade point average. Thus, you've screwed yourself!

    For an extreme example, let's say that Medical School students may graduate from college with a school loan balance of some $250,000.  Not to worry.  After their internship, they will make that much in a year by their 3rd year out of internship as "real" doctors.  

    I feel that you are a guy truly wanting and deserving a good education and that you see the benefits.  I feel that you are the son born into maybe parents of less than "middle" class.  Who is to say in these times what is the income of the "middle" class.  Basically, middle class gets you nowhere but an up-hill struggle.  Since you were born into this "class" you have the "middle class" opinion that if you can graduate and do just a little better than your parents, work hard and work through college on your own, you will be better off.  Well, NO.

    Do you know that studys have shown that the kid who goes to school with the "free ride" ends up with a higher paying job?  It is falsehood that the kid who works his way through college does better in life.

    UPS offers this $3,000 hoping to keep their slave labor throughout the kids college years and UPS probably gets - no strike that - really does get a major tax benefit somehow for their offer.  Gronz, you don't have to play their game and you don't have to be gullible enough to continue to hope for their pittance.

    I'm old, Gronz.  This is "old" speaking to you.  I was a single mother in the 60's.  My daughter flunked out of college in her first year and waitressed for the next year.  She then went back on LOAN to the tune of $144,000.  She graduated with a Masters degree and took her first job at $24,000/year while others in her class took jobs at $70,000/year.  WHY?  It was because she thought she was only WORTH $24,000/year......because she came from dreadful poverty.  There was an opening in another company and I told her to spend her last buck on a business suit and go get that job.  Guess what, Gronz, she landed the job like everyone else had for $70,000/year and in no time she was up to $150,000 per year.  IT IS ALL A MIND-SET.

    GRONZ:  GO FOR THE GUSTO.  I hope my message is clear for you.

    Make sure you are in a field that makes money.

    Don't sell yourself short and don't allow yourself to be prostituted!

    Love, Grandma

  2. Do you know that UPS decrease their education benefits to 2000 per year? That sucks, so I don't see why you still there.

    Moreover, you have to wait until you get your check to quit.  I hope this answer helps you...


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