
Education Check?

by  |  earlier

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I have applied at a new company and have accepted an offer pending background and education check. I put on the resume that I have a 2 years degree 5 years ago but did not. They called me and said that my background check have been cleared and a verbal agreement for my new employment at the new company. One week later, HR called me that they were not able to verify my education and ask me if I have or have not completed my two years degree. I admit to HR that I did not complete my two years and made a mistake on my application. I know that I lied and regret about it afterward. My experiences was prolly enough to qualify for the job. They pursue to check the school that I am currently attending and will get back to me even tho I don't have a degree. They say if everything is cleared they will call me regarding my first day of work.

I am concern that if I get hired, I will get fired on my first day of work at the new company for lying. what should I say if I were to ask why I lied?




  1. You have no excuses.  Apologize and walk out the door.

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