
Education Delema?

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I have gone to public school for a few years I was home schooled when I was little) my new school is not as good as my old one, and I am seriously considering homeschooling, starting in a couple weeks. I have two older siblings, so I would essentially be a lone student. My mother works nights, and has to sleep most mornings. I want to do HSchooling, but I am nervous that I will be bored during the mornings. Do you think I should homeschool? Why or why not??




  1. I don't think so, I wouldn't want to leave all of my friends and things like that!

  2. How old are you?  

    Where do your older siblings go to school?

    Can you get into a charter school or other school which is better than the one you don't like?

    Do you dislike your new school because the education isn't as good, or because you haven't made friends yet?

    I'm interested in getting the full picture!

  3. You would have to be motivated for your hsing to work in that situation - but it sounds like you are.  I don't think you'd be bored - in middle school it should take from about 8-12 to do school, then you'd eat lunch, pursue a few of your own hobbies, then find some afternoon activities for fun and friends.  You sound nice and I am sorry that your new school is not working out for you - I hope hsing works better in your case.

  4. There's no reason to ever be bored! There's always more books to read, hobbies to work on and housework to do! Just think. If you were to spend 2 hours each day learning to sew and dress make, you'd have a new wardrobe by the end of the year :) If you cook dinner each night, that'd take some of the load off your mum, and you'd be a better and more varied cook than most people. Ever tried cooking with culinary lavender? It's most interesting. Works really well with celery. Get your hands on some good ethnic cookbooks and have a go. Dorinda Hafner's African cookbook is a good one. I'm sure your family will be willing to put up with your experiments if they don't have to cook themselves!

    Do your work in the morning while your mum is asleep. She doesn't need to watch you do it. Keep a notepad next to you to write any questions or tricky bits down on, and she can go through them with you when she wakes up. Once that's out of the way, you have the rest of the day to spend on whatever you want.

  5. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and homeschooling may work out nicely for you.  In the mornings when it is quiet would be a great time to get you work done, then when your mom is up in the afternoons you will have time to spend with her or participate in other activities.

    There is more info on this website that may help you:

    Good luck!

  6. Homeschooling sounds like a better option than the situation you're in now.  It's hard to learn if you're uncomfortable and don't like your surroundings.  I would do the same in your situation.  If you were home schooled, you would be in a comfortable atmosphere, you could go at your own pace, and if you were on top of your school work, you could graduate early and be done before your friends.  You could get a job or go to college and finish schooling early!  Sounds like a good idea to me!

    Good Luck!!!

  7. Where you do your learning is irrelevant. It's important that you learn and a good place to start would be with spelling.

    DILEMMA not delema

    As far as boredom is concerned, you'll only be as bored as you allow yourself to be. You would be taking on an incredible responsibility with homeschooling. You ARE the master of your own destiny. Your mother is there to help guide you while she provides your necessities of life.
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