
Education should train people to do a job. Agree or disagree?

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Education should train people to do a job. Agree or disagree?




  1. disagree (but not strongly) yes, education should train you to do a job, but it also helps you in so manyother aspects of your life, and it's always good to learn more than you need than for a specific job...who knows, you may need it someday, and it can't hurt.

  2. Yes and No.

    Education should give you the skills to do a job but not solely.If all you are taught all your life is how to be say a mechanic then you have no where else to go when you can't be a mechanic anymore.

    For instance you train to become a mechanic and then your hand gets crushed in an accident. You can then not be a mechanic. What are you meant to do? If you have a decent education which has covered a number of areas then you can pursue another avenue for instance: become a historian.

    If you don't have more general or transferrable skills then you end up on benefits for the rest of your life which isn't all that good because 1. You don't really get enough to live on, 2. It's boring sitting at home all day.

  3. Vocational education should train you to do a job.

    Traditional high school education should give you broad knowledge across many different disciplines (English, social studies/history, math, science, computers), but it is NOT to train you to do a specific job.  A good high school education should teach you how to think for yourself and how to find answers to questions you have.

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