
Education that gives child a head start?

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Does anyone know what type of education system or philosophy did Dakota Fanning's parents expose her to which make her so mature compared to other children of her age? Is it montessori?




  1. Talk to your child like an adult all the time,. share feelings, troubles (not big ones just when you can't open a jar or you got the wrong kind of fabric softener ...etc.)--tell him/her what should have been, and show him/her how you fix the problems, ask questions about their feelings and then let them-(encourage them to) explain their troubles when they have them. Problem solving is all an IQ test is and the sooner they figure how to solve problems the smarter they will be and seem... Like Dakota Fanning.  My daughter talks like a 6yr old and she's only three. She speaks very matter of fact-like and her vocabulary is very large. I always explain new words, and encourage her to express all her emotions (the whining is a bit much but it's the excited emotions that are the best) REMEMBER START AT BIRTH!!!  Talk...Read...Music & Singing...and NO Baby Talk!! And make sure others do the same.

  2. Dakota Fanning is annoying.  Don't raise you kid to act so mature to appease you and ruining her innocent life as a kid.  My wife was raised like that and our childhood stories are so different mine being really fun.

  3. ya

  4. How old is ur child? Mine is the same way. She's 8 and you can have more intelligent conversation with her that most adults. I think it's because I never talked baby talk to her when she was little.  

  5. I have a deep suspicion that parental involvement had a great deal to do with it.

    She was probably around adults or older friends all the time, but was allowed to be a little girl when she chose.

    She was read to since day one.  She was born with a high IQ.

    And, I agree with the previous writer.  I never spoke baby-talk with them either.  Other people would refer to them as "the baby," whereas I referred to them as "Scott" and "Matt."

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