
Education topic, What is more important money and career and ur future or love and friendship?

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I have this question because i am a 16 year old just arrived in spain and i want to go bak to the philippines for my college but my dad wants me to stay in Spain becasue there is more opportunites.. What should i do? go back to philippines the place i love or stay in spain and try to get used to it and then graduate there with a better future. take note philippiens is where my cousin and friends i love a lot and i am happy there. would i trade that for a better future?




  1. it is up to an individual to decide which is more important. My mom thinks that money is first, while i think future is. Some friends of mine follow their partner to study abroad a the age of 18.

    I believe ur dad wanted u to stay in spain at the first place. He has his reason, so why not ask him? Why does he put in all the way in Spain? Maybe he has concrete reasons to ask you leave him.

    Is Spain not a nice place that you want to leave so badly? Maybe you just need time to adjust yourself over there. You may find your own interest and develop from there.  

    Family is important and I'm glad that you still have them in heart. In this, I think you have answered your topic; family is your number one, right now.

    I think you should give yourself some time.. say 6 months? and see if you're able to live in Spain. If it's really hurting you, tell it to someone that cares for you.

    Good luck.

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