
Education... what is your opinion about the present day education ?

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In those days when i see my teacher in some places, we hide from his/her view in fear. we respected teachers. My teachers are kind and at the same time very strict. we in the class sit in pin drop silence.




  1. You must not be from USA then, this would NEVER happen here

  2. Sounds like you went to a private school. Public education takes on allcommers ; "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" so to speak. We may also add, "your underachievers, disobedient, dangerous and disrespectful." If teachers were allowed to just teach, without interruption, and students were willing to learn, productivity would increase a tenfold. No one wants to implement a no tolerance policy. And no one wants to take the blame for poor behavior. The teacher is generally the scapegoat if they try to be firm, as administration does not want to get heat from parents or the board of ed. So the status quo remains.

    This accounts for the recent lowering of teacher retention rates.

  3. With parenting changing the way children are raised, this can be a very difficult, sensitive subject. A lot of parents don't believe that other people have a right to tell their children what to do or correct them when they are wrong. Unfortunately, they say these things in front of the child(ren) and the kid(s) take this literally. They don't listen, they cut up in class and tell the teacher who asks them to cease "You can't tell me what to do or I'm telling my mother/father!"

    This has become a major problem. These kids cause problems in classrooms for other children who ARE obeying and doing what they are told. You can't swat their backsides b/c of abuse and corporal punishment bans in schools. If parents take the time to go and see exactly how their child acts at school who've been told this, they would be more em barrassed than anything at seeing what their 'no one touches my kid' does when that kid cuts up and disrupts class.

    It's a catch 22 for teachers.

    Their only saving grace is to send the kid to the principal's office and get a reprieve to teach their lessons.

    This is why people don't want to teach kids anymore. There are too many politics involved and it makes it hard for teachers to be effective.

  4. Now a day's the same follows, but with more confidence, affection,& understanding without  any fear.

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