
Educators holds to the belief that learning must be meaningful. If this is so, how can educators create experi

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Educators holds to the belief that learning should be meaningful. if this is so, how can educators create experiences that make subject matter relevent (Meaningful) for our students?




  1. ok so in math algebra i create labs where they are practically  making decisions, weighing stuff, creating ramps to see the graph of a race course  may look like

      usign as many real life applications through the learning; usign cell phone plans,

    yes the dry mathematics has to be taught but if students can see how applications of the math can be used they get a great sense of understanding and importance.

    it is hard to make "compeltign thesquare s**y; in algeera 1 expecially when they dont meen ewllipses and hy-perbolas for another 2 years

  2. You figure out situations where the information might be used and in what manner it might be used in a child's life. For example, in writing, children must learn to write research and persuasion papers; they must also learn to read for information and fill out applications.  One of my units this year will be to help us to choose a class pet and pick someone to be in charge of the pet's care.

    The students will receive an informational packet explaining pet choices, deadlines, and application information.  I will teach researching, writing a research paper and filling out an application.  Then, students will use the information to write papers and persuasion letters about our class pet.  For students not interested in pets, I have other jobs they can fill.

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