
Edward Cullen fans...Is Rosalie his sister?

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Obviously not I know they are all "adopted" but I mean like Rosalie and Jasper are Hales even tho they arent actually related so y do they have the last name hale not cullen and wouldnt rosalie have the same last name as emmett cause they r married too, and also on page 109 of twilight Edward says," my brother and sister, and jasper and rosalie for that matter are goingg to be quite upset..." y would jasper take rosalies name

and yes i did read the whole series i was just rereading twilight and i was curious i dont think it says it in the other books... please help




  1. Well.

    All the cullens are permanately 'adopted'.

    while the hales are just suposed to be 'fostered'

    get what i mean?

    they are acuallyl all sort of adopted but thats just the message the put out.

    cause it would be kinda werid if esme and carlile adopted like 5 kids when there only really 'young'

  2. Hello my dear cousin whom I love so very much,

    They are all adopted by Carlisle because they all were near death when he saved them and made them vampires.

    This is how they are linked, by brother/sister relation:

    Edward- Alice

    Rosalie- Jasper

    And this is how they are linked through, 'love', it that is how you want to call it:

    Jasper- Alice

    Rosalie- Emmett

    I'm pretty sure I am correct, but who knows?

    Love you! See ya soon.

  3. They "adopted" her. In the third book Rosalie tells Bella her story. It was years after Edward came along that they found Rosalie, one of the reasons Carlisle saved her was because he was hoping she'd be a companion to Edward, like Esme was to Carlisle.

  4. No, none of the Cullens are actually related. The story they told the humans in Forks was that Carlilse adopted Edward, Alice and Emmett. They said that Rosalie and Jasper were Esme's neice and nephew who were living with her, and when Esme and Carlilse got married, the five children were put together. Jasper and Rosalie were supposed to be twins with the last name Hale (Rosalie's human name.)

    So two families were merged, but the Hale twins kept their last names.

    The townsfolk don't know that Rosalie and Emmett are old enough to marry, so no.

    The name Hale was kept just to make the fake story run smoothly.

    Hope I helped!

  5. She is his "adopted' sister. None of them are in any way actually related, but she is the one that Carlisle "adopted".

  6. Hello there.

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion. I am not a professional. Use advice at your own discretion.

    From what I took from the book, Rosalie is not Edward's family while he was human. Carlisle "created" Rosalie into a vampire to marry Edward originally, and she became part of the Cullen coven. Edward regards Rosalie like a sister, though, just like Carlisle looks at Edward like his son, and Alice his daughter, etc. So the Cullens do act like a vampire "family", so to speak.

    Jasper and Alice are married. Rosalie and Emmett are married. They all should have the same last name: Cullen. Right? Since they are all in the same coven.

    I hope this clears up some of the confusion. I hope this helps! Good luck. I hope this wins Best Answer...

  7. well, jasper took rosalie's last name to help them fit into the modern world a little better. it made more sense to say that they are siblings than to say that they adopted all of them!

  8. 1. They are all adopted. Even the ones with Cullen last names.

    2. But since it would be odd if Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Cullen and Alice and Jasper were 'together' as couples, Jasper and Rosalie, the two blondes, adopted the same name. Hale was Rosalie's last name when she was human, and she was okay with using it again. If you come across anything else, you might or might not get an answer since this is Meyerville and hardly anything makes sense.


  9. She wanted her name to be used, Jasper probably didn't care if they used his name, and maybe to keep Jasper on the downlow from his old coven

  10. Rosalie and Jasper pretend to be real brother and sister, and Alice and Edward do. Then they were all "adopted" by Esme and Carlisle. Cullen is Carlisle's real last name, and most of them took it to simplify things.

    Their real names are as follows:

    Edward Anthony Masen

    Emmett McCarty

    Alice McLaughlin

    Rosalie Hale

    Jasper Whitlock

    Esme Anne Platt [Evenson]

    So none are technically related. Why Rosalie and Jasper aren't Whitlocks is something we are left to ponder. I do believe they are supposed to be twins though. Rosalie and Emmett re-marry every few years so she bounces between being a Cullen and a Hale. Also if they were all just Cullens then it would look sort of odd for them to be couples, as they would be 'brother and sister'.

  11. Kinda confused, but Jasper would take Rosalie's name cause they are related. In the beginning it says their hair looking alike.

    I think. :S

    Nvm, the post above mine makes more sense. xD

  12. Hi

    Technically Meyer doesn't says if Emmet and Rosalie are married, about Jasper and Alice they aren't married because on Breaking down when Bella meet J he ask her if she's the wife of Jasper (by misunderstood), so this means that Alice also is not married with Jasper. (By the way this bring me a question if Jasper last name is Hale why J confuse Bella as wife of Jasper when she says Mrs. Cullen?)

    I think they are couples but in the life they took for living in Folks is better say that they are adopted and have others last names.

    But is just my imagination the ones who's answer.

    see u

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