
Eep. acne help.?

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hi. well im 14 going on 15 this yr. i've had probalams with my face brakign out for a long time. i've tried teh basic wash with soap and wat 3 times a day. i've tried proactive i've went to a dermatogist. i've used prescriotion one. i've tried clean and clear. none have worked help?

ohh yeah here are some pics tht my acne ruined..


any help would be fabulose




  1. Just answered this question a minute ago...but here it is copied and pasted!

    The problem that I see here is that you're relying too much on external ways of getting rid of acne. You should really watch your diet and I know for sure that should help with acne or even significantly reduce it without benzoyl peroxide!

    Anyway, here's my answer below from another post...

    For me (and a lot of my acne-prone friends), it's mostly dieting and taking supplements. Here's my rules for staying acne-free...

    RULE #1: Do NOT drink or eat any milk or milk based products. According to Patrick Massey MD, PhD. from the Daily Herald:

    "Milk contains estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, androgen precursors like androstendione and other hormones. Some of these hormones are known to promote acne"

    And also in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, suggests that drinking milk might increase the risk of acne in teenagers.

    In this study, the Nurses Health Study II, more than 47,000 women completed an extensive health questionnaire about their health and lifestyles. One topic addressed was their milk-drinking habits as teenagers and whether or not they had been diagnosed with severe acne.

    The results showed that those who drank milk were more likely to develop teenage acne. Those who drank more milk had even a higher risk.

    RULE #2: Eat low-glycemic foods like whole wheat breads and brown rice. No more sodas, white bread, and white rice.

    A study from the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology randomly assigned 43 men with acne to a diet higher in protein and low-glycemic-load foods (the treatment group) or to a typical Western diet that contains more foods with a high glycemic load (the control group).

    The participants were 15-to-25-year-old young men who had mild to moderate acne and used a daily skin cleanser. The men in the treatment group were instructed to eat foods higher in protein such as fish, poultry, or lean meat and to focus on low-glycemic-index carbohydrates such as whole grain bread and fruits.

    Results of the study showed that, after 12 weeks, acne lesions had decreased more in the treatment group compared with the control group. The treatment group also lost weight and showed an improved change in hormonal markers of acne.

    RULE #3: Take a vitamin supplement that has specific anti-acne ingredients.

    Acne sufferers tend to have lower levels of key vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Zinc, and Selenium.

    Fish oils are very anti-inflammatory and shown to help acne caused by hormones. In fact, a study from Clinical Therapeuticas (2003) showed that fish oil decreased and acne causing cytokine (LTB4) to the same level as prescripton drug Zileuton!

    I recommend a supplement that is exclusively made for acne sufferers in mind from:

    ...because it looks like they know what they're talking about.

    I don't know about you, but when I follow those 3 rules, my acne is almost non-existent! I occasionally get one or two pimples here and there...but who could resist foods like pizza all the time! =)

    There is so much more studies I can site regarding this...but for now...try it out! I know it will help!

    I hope that helps!

  2. well you are young and just hitting puberty, probably, so suck it up and wash your face cuz we all had to go through it!!!!! GOD!

  3. those pics are not that bad. you are going through a lot of changes right now. so your homones are just wacky.

    you will out grow it.

    for now if you pic them stop. if you chew your nails and then touch your face then you are making worst with germs.

    you need to leave them alone. if they need to be broken open because the seem really big. they sell what  I call mine is a pipple popper in the health and beauty section you can keep it sterile with rubbing alcohol. it's about 4 inches long with a loop looking thing on one end for white heads and another thing one the other end for black heads.  it's real name may just be a blemish remover. not sure sorry.

    if you pop something on your face make sure your face is clean first and put rubbing alcohol on it after.

    always be sterile

    I love oil of olay for combinatin skin with witch-hazel in it seems to work really well.

    good luck

    and your acne isn't horrible.

  4. drink a lot of water and try not to eat peanots and beef with 2 much fat.

  5. i use Cetaphil.

    it really works for me.

    i hope I was a help.
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