
Efexor-XR 75mg once daily

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My doctor has prescribed me the above medication and this is my second day taking it - I feel excessively tired (slept for over 15 hours yesterday), I have very little appetite (only eating once a day), constant lump in my throat, and feel very cloudy if that makes sense.

Has anyone else had side effects like this? Do they pass? When will I start to feel better emotionally?

I've already read all the bad stuff about this drug, and I want to keep taking it so no answers about it being horrible etc. please.




  1. TAke half.

  2. yes i took that drug and hated it i had to go off it,

    i was dizzy sick didnt want to eat tired all spacy dry mouth..

    it takes a while to get drugs into your system and there to stop side effects but dont stop taking it or cut your dose go back to your dr OR CALL THEM, its very important you get there advice

    my opinion on the drug i hated it and went off it asap and got a new drug from my dr that worked for me

    sometimes certain drugs just dont agree with certain ppl, if the side effects dont go away or you feel really bad you may need to just face the facts and try something else

    thats life god luck :)

  3. I understand, i tried taking that as well, and because the side effects were so bad that i couldn't take it its under my allergies. Its a harsh drug, but if you are feeling as bad as you say then you need to call the Dr. and get there opinion. They may tell you that it will pass or they may tell you you are having a them. Maybe for some its a good drug, but not for all...anti-depressants are hard...there are a lot and not all work for anybody...its a trial and error thing...this one doesn't seem to be in your best interests though.

  4. Some of my family members have been on that...its one of the most horrible drugs I've ever does more harm than good get off it as soon as you can.

  5. you shouldn't alter the dose on your own you should talk to your doctor.. i would only get side effects if i forgot to get the prescription filled and didn't take it for a day or two..

    just take it easy if you can make sure you drink heaps and if your worried see the doctor good luck :)

  6. been on this for almost two weeks now and at first you have dry mouth, light headed and sleep for hours this passes after one to two weeks and the reason for it is because your brain needs to get used to it and balance out evenly . this has given me new life already and i notice the changes for the better .its a low dose so give it a bit of a go before you stop taking it and also consult your doctor before u do if u do go off it. its good for me but i understand different things work for different people .good luck !

  7. Its normal for it to start like that and the tiredness and fuzziness passes. I did start to feel better emotionally pretty quickly and have to tell you it has done me so much good. Give it about 3 weeks then if you really feel no better go back to the Dr. But in my experience it is a wonderful drug which has given me a new life. Good luck.

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