
Effect of altitude difference?

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I live and ride at 6000', and I'll soon be doing a century at around 3400'. Is the altitude difference likely to affect my performance in any significant way? Thanks!




  1. At a lower altitude you'll have more oxygen so you'll probably do better.

  2. I have changed elevations before.

    Going up is hard,going down is easier.

    But,one must always consider that any big change in altitude can be difficult.

    New air with more oxygen can make you believe that you have the stamina of a triathalon contender.

    Believe me when I say that this increase in oxygen will wreak havock on your muscles if you push yourself too hard.

    Pace yourself .

    Just one persons opinion.

  3. Wow, you are in the Mile-High Club.

    If you were doing a short race, the thinner air might reduce wind resistance, but over a hundred miles, I doubt it.

    Some world records have been set at 2100 feet, in Battle Mountain Nevada.

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