
Effect of anger and anxiety on toddlers?

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1) what is the effect of an anxious angry, sometimes teary and impatient mom on toddlers?

2) Can the bad affects be rolled back or nullified? If so, how to do it? how long can it be before it becomes irreversible (if at all that happens)

Thanks for any answers and Please give valid references if available.




  1. My partner and I have been together 7 years, and have 2 kids. Just over 2 weeks ago, we almost broke up, and things were very tense (still a tiny bit now)and my daughter is 4 and was extremely quiet and withdrawn. Now that I am slowly getting back to being my happy self, I can see her also becoming her happy self

  2. The kid will prolly start thinking they are terrible, that it's all their fault. This might develop into a careless attitude, like "if she is gonna be so angry anyway then i dont care what i do anymore". They will quit even TRYING to make you happy.

    Think about how you would feel living with someone who is angry ALL the time, and taking it out on you. (Even if you arent taking it out on the kid, in a kids' mind, it's all about them.)

    Try explaining yourself. kids understand more than people give them credit for. Tell them your upset at this (which has nothing to do with them), and let them know you love them, and that you handle your anger badly, but you are looking for a better way to handle it. But dont just say that, DO it. Find some exercise, or take up boxing. TAKE some time for yourself.

    Assuming, of course, it is you that is exploding.  (If not, then adjust the "you's" appropriately. Unimportant, either way.

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