
Effect on Returning Soldiers

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Hello I am 17 and am strongly considering joining the Active Army as either a cavalry scout or a light wheel vechicle mechanic. The only thing holding me back from signing up is the effects it can have on you mentally. I want to go oversees and am not afraid to die for the USA but I dont want to come back all messed up in the head. So for people who have been in the Army and gone over sees, has it had any major negative effects on you. Thanks for the help.




  1. are you kidding me...stop acting like a child, your mind will handle things like YOUR mind will, stop listening to stupid c**p on the TV...first dude....grow up before you make your decision, if you feel you are mature when you are ready then go for it, if you feel weak minded then dont go, youll start playing with other peoples lives..

  2. i served in iraq and other "places" i do have PTSD but it all depends on what you see , my PTSD is linked to watching a stryker full of my buddies get hit by a IED and watching them burn to death and not being able to help them at all , i was "humping" all over iraq . as compared to others that where fobbits and are "ok"  

  3. No negative effects and I am proud of my service to my country.  My time overseas allowed me to see how blessed we are here in the U.S.A. and I am thankful everyday to be living in this country.

  4. If you have doubts, don't join, stay home!

    It affects US all in different ways!

  5. Put it this way mate, I know 9 people that have been on Active duty and they are all fine. If you do get upset or something whilst your out there you have your second family, your 2ic and 1ic to talk to, also if you are having real problem's you can talk to a Psychologist for free whilst your out there.

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